Private Sessions on line and/or in person.

If you are ready to take a serious look at identifying and changing your Core Beliefs, please fill out the contact form:

Certified Core Belief Engineering Transformational Counselor

in Private Practice Since 1995


"In a corner of the world, in a country called Canada, in a small town named Oakville resides a beautiful tolerant soul, gently sweeping the mass of history, one by one, if the world knew the magic she gave they would make an army of Renée Brown’s, and she would be the talk of the town. But alas, she is humble and that’s what makes her so dear; We love you Renée…Me and all my parts" Q.H.

“Now I really know I can have what I want and be happy at the same time, your help has been a revelation” TD

“I’m finally able to express my feelings instead of those bursts of anger. And instead of taking out my work frustrations out on my husband when I get home, we now just talk and share. I’m so glad I met you” R.H.

“Thanks for being who you are. You managed to get through my mask and get to the issues that have made me miserable. I still wake up waiting for the anxiety to strike; I guess I need to get used to feeling calm, I like it a lot. A millions thanks Renee.” S.D.

“To Renee Brown whose work is so profound, she fills an abyss, gives you back moments that were missed and mends the unmendable. A poem or two is not enough, my dear friends, to tell you what this amazing woman can do, she took me from hell and made me well. When I was lost, And no longer my own boss, This angel I did find, Who showed my magic beyond reason, beyond rhyme, she undid time, and gave me peace of mind” G.T.

Hi Renee, I’m just writing a simple note to say a huge thank you. I have had the most amazing few months; so much more that what I ever imagined could have been possible. H.F.

Dear Renee, I’m not sure you will remember me, it’s been a few years, but I want you to know that I remember you. Back then I was having panic attacks and only tried cognitive and very mainstream types of therapies without any change. My couple of meetings with you had quite a profound effect on me and I continue to follow your instructions. Thank you Renee, you have a very special place in my life.” C.A.

“Hi Renee, just a little note to let you know that everything is wonderful. I did meet a wonderful man and we are having a baby and thanks to your amazing work I’m sure I’ll be a pretty good mother. I wish you all the very best” H.H.

Dear Renee just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts often as this past year, since our sessions, has been a rebirth for me. I hope the same for my loved ones and hope that someday soon they will have the good fortune of coming to you. Thank you for being there.” C.B.

"Renee Brown is a consumate professional. She brings a strong practical knowledge base and, equally importantly, passion to help her clients heal and ultimately prosper. When I first met Renee, my outside life seemed great, but my internal life was severely lacking on many levels and this manifested in a very low energy level. With Renee's help, and my commitment to getting better, I was able to develop meaningfully stronger life skills, substantially increase my energy level and enjoy increasing happiness. Renee's path requires effort and an investment, but it was worth it for me. I wish you well on your recovery and path to life prosperity. Life can definitely improve. Best, K.G. Toronto, Ontario Male, Age 35"

Dear Renee, Happy April! Just wanted to say, thank you for all you do; my family and I are blessed to have you in our lives.” C.C.

"Dear Renee, along life's path we meet those special people that are irreplaceable. You are one of them. Thank you for helping me find myself. You are a wonderful therapist and you have helped me immensely, more than you will ever know. You have taught me that no matter what problems come my way; I can be there for myself. I was unaware, until you taught me, that I could stand-alone. I don't need anyone else to approve of me because I Love and approve of myself now. Thank you and God bless you" J.A.

"Renee, Thank you for helping me find my very own fairy godmother. I promise to always love and support me. I hope you realise what a unique person you are and how very much I appreciate your help in discovering the real me. Thank you from one beautiful person to another." D.B.

"Dear Renee, Thank you for helping me open the doorways that led back to me..." R.M.

"Renee, I have never felt so light in my life. I'm happy and smiling and able to make my own decisions. Everyone has noticed the change in me. Thank you so much, you have helped me so much" B.K.

"I am so much more confident. I didn't get freaked or flustered when dealing with my wife, I just took the next step. I see things more objectively now." M.B.

"I feel my worry part is gone. I've been able to focus. All restrictions are gone. Been working 12 hour days and still have tons of energy. I feel free inside to pursue what I want" S.C.

"My mother does not trigger me anymore. This is a major transformation. I'm feeling like I really trust myself. I'm waking up happy and energized instead of the old constant tired feeling" N.E.

"My anger level is gone. In some situations I would have exploded, but it either strikes me as funny or it's just not an issue. I'm not even reacting to my father's unresponsiveness and anger. I feel confident" T.C.

"I'm not whining anymore. I feel stronger, confident, and more assertive. I'm not comparing myself to others. I feel really good about myself. My husband said he can feel my strength." F.P.

"The caring and kindness in your voice really helped me open up. Feels like a fresh start. Life is no longer so overwhelming. I'm experiencing a peace of mind" M.R.

I didn't react when Mom called. I used to ask for things childishly, now I ask as an adult - my husband is still shocked. My confidence level is way up. My intuitive powers are increasing" F.P.

"I am so grateful to you for the deep and profound work you have done with (Client) I'm seeing amazing changes that are delighting me. I'm very impressed and I thank you very much" from Clients Wife

"I've spent 17 years reading some really good self-help books, and I'm really impressed with the work that you do. I never thought I'd ever get rid of my rage. My driving is even calmer, I used to go ballistic" W.F.

"I've made more progress with you than any other therapy. You're most caring and understanding and I trust you. You have inspired me" S.F.

"I wish I had done this when I was a teenager, my life would have been so different" R.R.

"Thank you very much for all your help. You don't know how much you have helped me. I will always be grateful to you." H.S.

I have a distinct feeling we have dealt with inner beliefs. My new feeling is, I deserve to be happy. I feel I'm in choice now instead of reacting" P.F.

"I've been waiting to fall back into the depths of despair. It has not happened. I feel stronger and more positive. I feel good about being myself. It makes me feel so confident" D.K.

"I'm feeling pretty darn good I'll tell ya. I'm feeling a real strong sense of myself. I didn't even react to my mothers' put-downs. Thank you so much for your help." C.P.

"I never felt so good in all my life after the process. I am so at peace and complete. My energy level is higher than ever. I'm just so calm. I feel like I'm falling in love with my husband again instead of always being angry with him." L.S.

"I was able to say no to my mother and not feel guilty. Feels like I'm loving myself. I have such a change in attitude and behaviour. People are behaving nicer to me now. I really feel the positive energy, it is so invigorating. I feel absolutely wonderful..." V.V.

"I feel so good. My life is so busy now. My business has really picked up. Not even arguing with my family any more" H.R.

"I feel more relaxed. More aware. More awake. More open and happy. I feel like I finally have control over my own life. I feel really good now" M.F.

"I've been coming clean with everything, the lies have stopped. I've been honest and direct and it is so much easier. Why haven't I done this all along? I have a great new attitude. I'm more connected to my emotions. It feels pretty dam good to have reconnected with myself. More passionate about the things I'm doing. I feel like I'm on top of the mountain" S.L.

"I doubted the changes, but I noticed changes right away. I don't have that knot in my stomach any more. My husband and co-workers have noticed I'm happier. I feel now there is nothing I can't do. I've never been happier" A.M.

"I was able to finally leave my (abusive) boyfriend and I don't feel devastated. I feel a lot better than I thought I would. I don't feel like I want to die. I'm not even obsessing" E.N.

"I definitely feel more positive, peaceful, happy. I look forward to the day instead of dreading it. I've finally taken that craft course I never had the energy for. I'm having bursts of energy. Even my memory has improved" J.D.

"I have not had one emotional outburst with my boss since my process. Feels like no more pressure in business or personal life. I am calmer" A.R.

"Feels like a weight has been lifted. I feel refreshed, relaxed, peaceful and focused. Stuff I've been waiting week to do, all got done in one day. People see me as radiant" J.D.

"I realise I'm looking at my wife differently instead of through my parents filter. This calmness is such a high. I'm actually sleeping through the night" M.Z.

"I've stopped worrying, at last. I'm surprised how easy everything seems now. I feel like I'm accomplishing amazing things. Everything is in my hands; it's so powerful. I'm very thankful for having met you. You've helped me make my life so simple and organised" H.S. "I didn't think I would ever get rid of the anxiety. I am feeling so peaceful and calm and relaxed. I can hardly believe it. I even sang while doing housework that I used to hate" J.P.

"I feel very good, high, like a newly acquired freedom. The old triggers don't kick in anymore. I feel such relief" M.N.

"I'm strong, I'm powerful, I've even stopped smoking. I'm standing straight and tall, not slouching and my back is not hurting as much. I feel really good" J.W.