Private Sessions on line and/or in person.

If you are ready to take a serious look at identifying and changing your Core Beliefs, please fill out the contact form:

Certified Core Belief Engineering Transformational Counselor

in Private Practice Since 1995

Philosophy of Healing

Beliefs: You are what you believe...beliefs are the blueprint of what we hold to be true about ourselves and the world. Our reality is based on what we believe.

Many beliefs are held below the level of consciousness and were installed at an early age when we were trying to make sense/fit into a world we could not understand rationally. For example, when a toddler hears their parents argue they cannot understand the words or content, they're only aware of how their body feels, comfortable or uncomfortable at an emotional level.

Many of the blocks, fears, indecision, behaviors, inner conflicts we hold as adults are a result of old outdated beliefs and concepts. As we grow and evolve we often adopt different values and beliefs. Inner conflict arrives when parts of us are still holding on to the old beliefs.

If as a child the only way you could feel safe when your parents argued was to fade into the background, to be quiet, not be seen ... Can you imagine how this belief that kept you safe as a child may manifest itself in your adult life.

Symptoms may vary from an inability to speak up for yourself, becoming immobilized when someone confronts or shouts at you, remaining unsuccessful or sabotaging any success you achieve so as not to attract attention.

For example: a woman had begun to achieve success as a lawyer, her life's dream! However, in her moment to shine in the courtroom, she froze. The internal belief? "If I'm seen or heard I'll be hurt."

Another example: a salesman who was unable to ask for the order or referrals. When he was just a little guy he asked his mom to please not hug him in front of his friends. Unfortunately, this child was never hugged by his mother again. This man's benefit for this undesirable behavior in not asking for the order? His deeply held belief that "if I ask for what I want I will be punished and hurt".

I can help you identify your subconscious core beliefs through pinpointing which part of you is keeping you stuck; then enabling that part to release, heal, update and enable that part to re-join you at the the conscious level!

Result: You can now respond instead of react. Very nice.

The good news is that all parts of us want to protect, love and benefit us. No matter how much trouble they are causing us. The assumption is that each part also knows its opposite. For instance; the part that feels abandoned, untrusting, angry also knows inclusion, trust and peace.

Let's face it, it is difficult to make sound decisions and do what is best for you from a place of fear, anxiety, anger or when your are troubled.

This is an effective process enabling you to make change in your life. Change in behavior, emotional responses instead of reactions, better decisions, clearer thinking patterns, and generally increases confidence in dealing with any situation you may encounter.

Common feedback from clients is the ability to stay calm in previously triggering situations. Inner peace happens when you reconnect with your true self.